Sunday, November 21, 2010

Competition Day Photos

Not Very Happy

Competition Day :(

Competition Day did not go well.
We had our trebuchet working fine the night before, but then had to take it apart to bring it back into town.
Our pouch had also started to fall apart.
The competition consists of 5 hurls for the distance part.
Only those 5 count, and they must be averaged.
Our pouch was not letting go of the ball correctly, causing 3 out of 5 throws to be less than 50%.
We also could not get it to correctly hurl for accuracy.
At least the lowest score you could get for that was 60% due to the low numbers of groups in our class.

Luck was definitely not on our side on competition day.
Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

Pictures are on another post.
We didn't take any videos. We were too exasperated to think of that.

Hopefully the Medical Physics challenge project goes better.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Test Day Results

Test Day went well.
We had our trebuchet consistently, succeeding at the accuracy challenge of 15m.
We had a greatest distance of about 21m.
It performed fairly consistently of over 15m.
We will make some changes to try to increase our distance to 25m.
We also need to devise a trigger system.

We made an adjustment to the counterweight, increasing it's dropping distance to allow for greater force to hurl the ball.
The night before competition day, we had our ball going 25m, although not completely consistently. Throws were usually over 20m though.

We may use hockey sticks as a trigger system.