Thursday, September 16, 2010

Test Day....Fail?

After building our egg drop container on Tuesday evening, Bevan and I had a container that we thought could handle at least two meters.
It hadn't worked at about 4 meters, so we made a few changes.
We tried that container at school today, and it didn't work.
Two words. Broken egg.
Which of course, defeats the whole purpose of this project. 
We made some adjustments of extra padding and stabilization, and managed to get it to work fine at two meters.
With no extra materials on hand to make any more changes, we decided to test from the full five meters up.
Let's just say, we need to rethink our design.
Scrambled eggs in a bag anyone?

At least our container is fully compliant with the other criteria.
It's small enough to fit in a 25cm cube.
No liquids were included.
The egg was raw (evident when it broke!)
Also, it is fairly light.
Hopefully our revised design will be a bit lighter.

We're thinking we're need something that lands a little softer, and with a little less impact.
Although parachutes are not allowed, we're trying to use air resistance to our advantage, without breaking the rules.
Also, we might need some more padding, and need to make sure the egg is as secure as possible.

Bevan and I may work on improving our container this weekend, but if not, it looks like we have a work period on Monday in class.

Launch Day is next Friday...
Hopefully things will be looking more positive by then. 

I'll post some video and pictures once I'm within range of high-speed internet!

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